Attorney Profile
Jeffrey G. Rapattoni

Areas of Practice
Contact Info
Jeffrey is the Assistant Director of the Casualty Department and a member of the firm's Board of Directors. Along with the Director, he is responsible for administrative oversight of the more than 250 lawyers among 19 offices.
Jeffrey joined Marshall Dennehey in 2008 and serves as the chair of the firm’s PIP Litigation Practice Group, co-chair of the firm's Fraud/Special Investigation Practice Group. He focuses his practice on insurance fraud, bad faith and SIU related matters working with carriers both in the US and internationally.
For over 20 years Jeffrey has litigated insurance fraud and fraud-related matters on a national level. He acts as coordinating counsel to several insurance companies and helps clients develop strategies for defending complex litigation related to medical provider fraud, PIP and other emerging insurance issues. In addition, Jeffrey frequently consults with insurance carriers across the country to help integrate internal analytical platforms, create risk management protocol and conduct fraud-related investigations.
He has extensive training and background in provider-based investigations, underwriting fraud, policy voidance, and staged accidents. Other practice areas include large loss property claims, coverage, general civil litigation, and appellate practice. He is an experienced mediator and coordinates investigations for companies in the healthcare, insurance, gaming, hospitality and other industries. As part of his practice, Jeffrey has worked with experts in the fields of cause and origin and bad faith as well as local and federal authorities.
Jeffrey possesses a unique understanding of the value of big data analytics in improving outcomes in the SIU environment. In 2017, Jeff was invited to join the Advisory Board of the BigData@Rutgers certificate program. In this capacity, he provides input on curriculum development to improve the program's offerings and value to the business community.
He frequently lectures on insurance fraud, bad faith and data analytics topics for a number of local and national insurance organizations. He also provides legal education seminars for clients and organizations across the country.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Villanova University in 1997, Jeffrey served as a legislative correspondent for United States Senator Arlen Specter in Philadelphia and Washington D.C., where he assisted in drafting legislation and conducting legal investigations. While attending Rutgers Law School, he served as a judicial extern to the Honorable Judge John A. Almeida, J.S.C. Burlington County-Civil Division, where he drafted tentative dispositions of the court and assisted in court-ordered mediation sessions.
Defeated a bad faith action where plaintiffs sought treble and punitive damages based upon coverage denials.
Secured a voluntary dismissal regarding a $750,000 fraudulently submitted homeowner's claim.
Secured a voluntary dismissal with respect to a $375,000 homeowners/bad faith matter in which the insured submitted a fraudulent contents inventory.
Through the use of medical and forensic accounting experts, Jeffrey has also been successful in collecting on behalf of insurance carrier clients large sums of money improperly paid to fraudulent medical providers.
Thought Leadership
Getting Caught With Your Hand in the Proverbial Cookie Jar, ClaimsXchange Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 12, 2023
Top Cases Impacting Fraud Fighting, Marshall Dennehey Client Webinar, June 28, 2023
The CAT's Out of the Bag: Insurance Fraud in Catastrophic Losses, CLM Annual Conference, Palm Desert, CA, March 24, 2022
PI’s in the Field – Pre, During & Post COVID & New Manned/Unmanned Surveillance, Illinois Chapter of IASIU, March 18, 2022
Charting the Course of Telehealth in the Post-COVID Landscape, ASHRM Webinar Series, April 27, 2021
Rising Risk and Economic Hardship: Insights on Fighting Fraud in Uncertain Times, CLM Webinar, November 5, 2020
Fraud Leadership Series: P&C Claims During Covid 19, FRISS Webinar, November 3, 2020
The Civil and Criminal State of the SIU in 2020, The Ohio Chapter of IASIU, October 27, 2020
All Hands Meeting- The Criminal State of the SIU in 2020, OIFP | NICB Webinar, October 7, 2020
National Perspective, Local Impact; New Case Law Impacting the SIU IASIU Webinar, September 14, 2020
SIU Litigation Trends Panel Discussion, IFM Webinar, May 12, 2020
CLM COVID-19 Webinar Series: "Stop the Spread...Don't Let COVID-19 Infect You With Insurance Fraud," April 23, 2020
Medical Investigator's Guide to the Modern SIU Claim, Speaker, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2019
How the Market is Falling Short on CAT Claims, CLM Southeast Conference, Orlando FL, October 2019
How to Use Data in Your Advantage – Speaker, FRAUDTalks Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 24, 2019
Secrets to Maintaining a Successful Major Case Unit , IASIU, Phoenix, AZ, September 2019
Clamping Down On Fraud – Panelist, Casualty Actuarial Society Spring Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, May, 2019
SIU’s Management of Brand Protection – Concerns and Consequences, IFM, Coronado, CA, March 2019
Major Case From A-Z, IASIU 2018 Seminar & Expo on Insurance Fraud, Baltimore, MD, September, 2018
Major Case From A-Z, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June, 2018
The Evolving Partnership of Data Analytics and Claims, A.M. Best Webinar, May 3, 2018 (registration is required but no cost to view webinar)
How Smart Data is Remaking Insurance Claims, A.M. Best Webinar, February 22, 2018 (registration is required but no cost to view webinar)
Strategic SIU Management and Risk Avoidance – Moderator, 2017 Insurance Fraud Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March, 2017
Insurance Fraud - Staged Accidents: The New Frontier - panel, 2017 CLM Southeast Conference, Atlanta, GA, November, 2017
Trends and the Future State of SIU – Moderator, 27th Annual NJSIA Anti-Fraud Insurance Training Seminar, Atlantic City, NJ, October, 2017
Major Case From A-Z, IASIU 2017 Seminar & Expo on Insurance Fraud, New Orleans, LA, September, 2017
Ethics Roundtable, HB Litigation Northeast Corporate Counsel Forum, Atlantic City, NJ April, 2017
SIU Management Panel, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2016
Deposing the Adjuster; Social Media and Big Data, IASIU Annual Seminar and Expo on Insurance Fraud, Red Rock, Nevada, September 2016
Managing the Risk in SIU Investigations, Panel Moderator, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June, 2016
Risk Management in SIU, IFM/ISO- Insurance Fraud Management Conference, Savannah, Georgia, March 2016
NAMIC Webinar: Contemporary Solutions to Provider and Claimant Medical Fraud, October 27, 2015
NAMIC Webinar: Provider Fraud Investigations in Personal Injury Protection Claims, October 13, 2015
NAMIC Webinar: Medical Provider Fraud in Uninsured Motorist/Bodily Injury Claims, October 6, 2015
Building a Better Medical Major Case, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2015
SIU Data Analytics: A Sword and Shield for Florida Law, Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) 23rd Annual Conference, June 11, 2015
Avoiding Risk in Managing the Anti-Fraud Function and Tracking the Value-Add of SIU, 2015 Insurance Fraud Management Conference, Coronado, California, March , 2015.
Dissecting The Staged Loss Claim, Speaker, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2014
"The Burden of Medical Provider Fraud on the Insurance Industry," A.M. Best PODCAST, September 2014
SIU Management Panel - Contemporary SIU Issues, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June 2014
Managing and Investigating Billing Misrepresentations Under the New PIP Statute, Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) 22nd Annual Conference, June 12, 2014.
Effectively Managing Contemporary Insurance Fraud Issues, National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators’ 2013 Advanced Insurance Fraud Seminar, St. Louis, MO, November, 2013
Effectively Managing Major Case Investigations of Fraudulent Medical Providers, Speaker, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2013
Trending Contemporary Medical Fraud, IASIU's 28th Annual Seminar and Expo on Insurance Fraud, Atlanta, GA, September 2013
Contemporary Medical Fraud Issues, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud Perspectives Seminar, Cleveland, OH, November 2012
Effectively Managing Complex and Emerging Issues, NJSIA 22nd Annual Fraud Seminar, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2012
Discussions of Recent Florida Case Law Developments Regarding EUO Methodology and Limitations, FIFEC - Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee, Orlando, FL, June 2012
Effectively Managing Contemporary Provider Fraud Issues, Marshall Dennehey Fraud Seminar - Insurance Fraud Perspectives, Lafayette Hill, PA, June 2012
Proper Interaction and the Role of the Public Adjuster During an Arson Investigation, ICAC - National Arson Training Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, February, 2012
Managing Public Adjuster Issues, IFM - Insurance Fraud Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March, 2012
NJSIA – Anti-Fraud Training Seminar, Acupuncture Fraud and Abuse, October 2011
2010 NJSIA Auto Theft Investigations; Hail Fraud Claims; Public Adjuster and Homeowner's Fraud, Presenter
2010 IASIU Property Loss Fraud, Presenter
National Insurance Crime Bureau - 2010 - Hail Storm and Large Loss Property Claims
Multi-State Auto Theft Investigation Review, 2010 - Combating Insurance Fraud Seminar, Conshohocken, PA
2010 IFM General Convention, Point of Sale Fraud, Co-Presenter
2010 IAA & ACFE Fraud Convention, Insurance Fraud, Presenter
2009 NJSIA SIU Investigations of the Future, Presenter
2009 NSPII Medical Provider Fraud, Presenter
2009 IASIU Public Adjuster Fraud, Presenter
2008 IASIU Medical Provider Fraud, Presenter
2008 NJSIA Preferred SIU Strategies, Presenter
2008 NSPII Point of Sale and Underwriting Fraud, Presenter
2007 NJSIA Innocent Third Party Seminar, Presenter
2006 NJSIA Policy Voidance Seminar, Presenter
2005 NJSIA Public Adjuster Fraud Seminar, Co-Presenter
2004 NJSIA Underwriting Fraud Seminar, Co-Presenter
"Beyond Bad Faith: Expanding Bad Faith Damages - Fraud Fighting," Journal of Insurance Fraud in America, The Coalition of Insurance Fraud, March 3, 2022
"Telemedicine Today & the SIU Response", SIU Today, Spring 2021.
*Also re-published in the December 2021 issue of The NSPII Review, newsletter of the National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators.
"How COVID-19 Accelerated Telehealth in 2020,", December 17, 2020
"Forecasting the Future of SIU Claims in a Post-COVID-19 World,", December 15, 2020.
*Also re-published in the December 2021 issue of The NSPII Review, newsletter of the National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators.
"How To Build A Major Case Unit - Advice From Three SIU Leaders," SIU Today, Spring 2019
"Secrets to Combating Insurance Fraud With Data Analytics," Claims Magazine, January 2018
"Investigating the Claims Investigation," Claims magazine, November 2016
"Improving SIU Through Data Analytics," Claims, September 2015
"Fraud Squad: Rethinking Facility Inspections in Medical Investigations," Claims Management (page 18), February 2015
"PUT A PIN IN IT - Getting a Grip on Medical Provider Fraud Costs and Acupuncture Claims," Claims Management, December 2014
"What's In Your Manual? A Three-Step Guide For Windstorm Claims Management," Claims Management, August 2013
"Something Wicked This Way Comes," Defense Digest, Vol. 14, No. 3
"On Borrowed Time," Defense Digest, Vol 17, No. 3
“Put a Pin in It: Getting a Grip on Medical Provider Fraud Costs and Acupuncture Claims**,” Defense Digest, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2015
"Analytical Impact: Social Media, Wearables, and Predictive Analytics Are Helping Insurers to Battle Claims Fraud While Increasing Customer Satisfaction," Best's Review, September 2018
The Evolving Partnership of Data Analytics and Claims, A.M. Best Webinar, May 3, 2018 (registration is required but no cost to view webinar)
How Smart Data is Remaking Insurance Claims, A.M. Best Webinar, February 22, 2018 (registration is required but no cost to view webinar)