In response to the high demand for aggressive trial attorneys to defend against insurance fraud, Marshall Dennehey has significantly expanded its Fraud/Special Investigation Practice Group.
    Insurance fraud is, understandably, no longer tolerated or in any way compromised by insurance companies and self-insureds. We work very closely with our clients in furtherance of that philosophy through relentless investigation, aggressive defense and prosecution in response to false and inflated insurance claims.
    Our members supplement their litigation experience with up-to-date knowledge of the current trends in insurance fraud detection and prosecution areas by regularly attending and participating in seminars given by such educational agencies as the National Insurance Crime Bureau, International Association of Special Investigation Units and Certified Fraud Examiners. In addition, they also attend numerous local conferences and association meetings throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Florida and New York.
    Aggressive Fraud Defense
    As a part of an overall aggressive fraud defense, the members of the Fraud/Special Investigation Practice Group believe that the "best defense is a good offense." Our trial attorneys are quite experienced in the investigation, defense and affirmative prosecution of fraudulent claims. The scope of their practice is focused on the individual claimant as well as organized groups or "rings." We routinely file suits and collect judgments against perpetrators of insurance fraud including both insureds and medical providers.
    We have considerable experience with cases involving:

    • Medical provider fraud
    • Claimant fraud
    • Insurance claim inflation
    • Staged accidents
    • Application/rate evasion fraud
    • Workers' compensation fraud
    • Vehicle "give ups"
    • Suspicious jewelry losses and arsons

    We maintain a centralized "fraud library" of fraud scams, investigations and perpetrators. Dissemination of this information to the group members, as well as a constant dialogue between attorneys, allows them to immediately incorporate current law and recent events in the fraud industry into defense strategies. We, in turn, enable our clients to incorporate this knowledge and experience into investigations by providing them with updates concerning recent developments in the industry. Our clients greatly appreciate the fact that we collaborate with them in the course of investigations in order to coordinate efforts and ensure that the goals of fighting fraud are met.
    We would welcome the opportunity to work with you in vigorously defending against insurance fraud claims. Members of our practice group are also available to give presentations at your location or in one of our offices.

    James H. Cole, Co-chair
    Jeff R.