Attorney Profile
Ariel C. Brownstein

Contact Info
Ariel, a shareholder in the Casualty Department, focuses his practice on insurance fraud and Special Investigation Unit (SIU) litigation with particular emphasis on large loss fraud and medical provider fraud. His practice in the area of fraud investigation consists of assessing and analyzing fraud by both medical providers and falsified claims brought by his client's insureds. In doing so, Ariel has represented a significant number of insurance carriers on these issues and has assisted in multi-million dollar high-profile medical provider fraud investigations and law suits in various states.
Moreover, Ariel has litigated on behalf of many different clients in favor of protecting the interests of insurance carriers in court seeking to disclaim coverage for fraudulent claims. He has taken numerous comprehensive Examinations Under Oath on SIU-related issues throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In particular, he has assisted in several high-value and high-profile matters regarding carrier recovery of monies paid to fraudulent medical providers and fraudulent motor vehicle accidents. Furthermore, Ariel has litigated extensive insurance fraud and other personal injury protection related matters in the National Arbitration Forum (NAF)/Forthright and Superior Court for his clients.
During his career, Ariel has handled several high value cases on behalf of his clients. In one particular case, the amount sought by the Claimant was denied by the arbitrator due material misrepresentations made by the insured regarding his prior medical history and his injuries at the time of the subject loss during an Examination Under Oath, conducted by Ariel. In another matter, Ariel successfully argued that a claimant was subject to a personal injury protection benefit limit selected by the named insured, a live-in boyfriend and the amount demanded, was denied.
Prior to joining the firm, Ariel served as a law clerk for the Honorable Richard Geiger in Cumberland County Superior Court. His responsibilities included researching criminal law precedence, reviewing memoranda and pre-trial motions, and mediating civil lawsuits.
Thought Leadership
Ping! Utilizing Modern Technology to Answer the Who, Where and When of First-Party Claims, NJSIA General Membership Meeting, December 9th, 2022
Ping! Utilizing Modern Technology to Answer the Who, Where and When of First-Party Claims, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June, 2022
Medical Investigator's Guide to the Modern SIU Claim, Speaker, New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October 2019
NJ PIP: Building Better Medical Reviews, Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June, 2018
"Current Fraud Trends PIP - NJ", Marshall Dennehey Insurance Fraud 360 Seminar, Lafayette Hill, PA, June, 2016
Case Law Alerts, regular contributor, January 2018-present
“Put a Pin in It: Getting a Grip on Medical Provider Fraud Costs and Acupuncture Claims**,” Defense Digest, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2015
"PUT A PIN IN IT - Getting a Grip on Medical Provider Fraud Costs and Acupuncture Claims," Claims Management, December 2014
“When a Vehicle Is an Automobile – The Maze of Statutory and Case Law in New Jersey for Determining Eligibility for PIP Benefits,” Defense Digest, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 2014
"Winning Legal Strategies for Combating A Prickly Problem "Sticking" New Jersey PIP Carriers," co-author, Defense Digest, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2013
The Super Lawyers list is issued by Thomson Reuters. A description of the selection methodology can be found here. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.