Telehealth & Telemedicine
Innovations in telehealth create unique opportunities for health care providers to make a difference in the lives of patients who previously experienced limited access to medical treatment, due to infirmity or geography. Marshall Dennehey stands ready to help our clients navigate the intersection of heath care, technology and the law. When incorporating advances in technology into medical practice, health care professionals, medical facilities and professional health organizations must understand and comply with evolving legal standards, in order to reduce exposure and mitigate risk.
The attorneys in our Telehealth and Telemedicine Practice Group monitor trends and case law developments which impact the standards of care. We collaborate with medical organizations regarding best practices for new technologies, study proposed legislation, and educate and advocate on behalf of our health care clients as laws are developed and implemented. Our trial and appellate teams work in unison to protect our clients, to keep pace with the increasing reliance on telemedicine practices.
Our team assists clients on issues related to:
- Civil negligence and privacy claims involving the provision of care through the use of technology.
- HIPAA/HITECH compliance and notifications.
- Disciplinary investigations and state licensing hearings regarding the use of telemedicine.
- Drafting and maintaining institutional telehealth policies and procedures.
- Best practices and developments in federal and state laws governing telemedicine.
- Federal and state statutes and regulatory requirements including those implemented by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and CMS, The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC), and state boards of medicine.